Ideal Body Fat Percentage for Men

I’ve been fascinated by the question, “What is the optimal body fat percentage for males?” for quite some time. I’d like to explain this concept using the economic principle known as the “law of diminishing marginal utility.”

The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as a person consumes more of a particular product (in this case, reducing body fat to get ripped), the marginal utility they derive from each additional unit decreases. But what is the point at which the utility of each additional unit begins to decline? I would place that number at 12% body fat.

Body Fat Percentage of Men

Here are the body fat measurement results gathered from over 1,000 men in the United States during the last few years at our health club:

  • 25%+: 15%
  • 20-24%: 50%
  • 15-19%: 25%
  • 10-14%: 9.9%
  • Below 10%: 0.1%

More than 650 men have a body fat percentage over 20%, which hides any muscle definition and tone. The extra fat, especially on the face and abdomen, is unattractive.

If a person loses weight and follows weight loss tips, their health will improve dramatically. They lose inches from their waist and gain an angular face.

Does It Make Sense to Reduce Body Fat from 20-25% to 12%?


If a man reaches 12% body fat, he will likely feel happy and satisfied. At this level, if you can see a hint of a six-pack, you’ll attract attention wherever you go.

Follow This Lifestyle to Maintain Your Fat Level

  1. Follow the 80/20 Rule:
    • 80% of the time, eat homemade, healthy food.
    • The other 20% can be for indulging in desserts, pizzas, burgers, and buffets.
    • Know your limits and stop before things get out of hand.
  2. Exercise Regularly:
    • Engage in weight training a few days a week and stay active in general.
    • Activities like yoga, HIIT, or swimming are great.
    • Fitness should be a lifestyle, not a one-time event.
  3. Use Supplements Wisely:
    • Avoid excessive supplement use to look extra shredded.
    • For convenience and health improvement, consider multivitamins, omega-3s, and whey protein.
  4. Eat a Balanced Diet:
    • Don’t follow fad diets or extreme high-protein or low-carb/fat diets.
    • Incorporate healthy fats into your diet because they are good for you.
  5. Plan for Special Occasions:
    • If you have a vacation or special occasion coming up, give yourself 2-3 months to make some adjustments.
    • Work harder for a couple of months each year to lose a few inches, so you can focus on your career and family without obsessing over your appearance.

You can see from the table that the “ripped” category lies between 10-14%. For most men, 12% body fat is the ideal percentage. Every percentage drop below this level presents a challenge and results in diminishing marginal utility.


Today, being ripped means going below 10%. Why? The idea of the perfect male body has evolved over the years. When we see men in movies like Wolverine or 300, they are unrealistically ripped, setting unattainable standards for male bodies.


Obsessive behavior can lead to excessive supplement use, extreme diets with high levels of protein, and even drug or steroid abuse.

Why It’s Futile to Go Below 10%

Did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger competed in world bodybuilding competitions with a body fat percentage around 9%? Steve Reeves, Mr. Universe 1950, had a similar body fat percentage. Why would you or I want to go below 10% when the fittest men of the past century competed for world titles at around 9%?

I remember when I completed my fashion portfolio in 2007. The effort required to reach 7% body fat was exhausting. Fortunately, I had few responsibilities at the time, but I still found myself at a standstill. I was eating boiled foods, drastically reducing my salt intake, and spending hours in the gym every day. I also lost a lot of muscle mass in the process.

It didn’t feel good. There might be better ways to reach these levels of body fat, but for entrepreneurs, fathers, and husbands like me, the time and effort required just to look ripped isn’t worth it.

Final Thoughts

Don’t obsess over your Ideal body fat percentage. Focus on being strong, healthy, and functional. Gain muscle and size. Let the mirror be your guide. You may gain some muscle and fat, but that’s okay. Once you reach a classic muscular proportion (12%, 13%, or even 15%), you can trim down until you feel you look good.

Balance is key to building a fantastic body, both in and out of the gym.

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